Home » Plants (Various) » Clematis Hagley Hybrid

Clematis Hagley Hybrid


A reliable, compact, free-flowering clematis with soft rosy-pink/mauve flowers.

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Group:  Late large-flowered
Approximate height:  2.0 – 3.0 metres
Flowering period(s):  Jul Aug Sep
Aspect:  Sun or semi-shade
Pruning:  Hard prune (Group 3)
Raised by: Percy Picton
Country of origin:  United Kingdom
Date raised:  raised about 1945 introduced 1956
Other name(s):  PINK CHIFFON in the USA

Gets its name from Hagley Hall where it was raised by Percy Picton.

It is well-loved for its compact habit and free-flowering nature.

Throughout summer, it is covered in soft rosy-mauve flowers which need to be given some shade to produce the best colouration.

A very much underrated and reliable clematis which deserves more attention.

Additional information

Weight 0.45 kg


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