Home » Plants (Various) » Persicaria bistorta ‘Superba’

Persicaria bistorta ‘Superba’


Bistort (Persicaria bistorta) is native to Europe and north and west Asia ….. an herbaceous perennial growing to 75 cm (30 in) tall by 90 cm (35 in) wide.


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Fast growing summer flowering herbaceous semi-evergreen perennial plant suitable for border planting. Gets up to between 50 and 100cm here. Lovely bottlebrush-like spikes of mauve/pink flowers with attractive clumps of green foliage. Bees and other insects love it!

All round tough plant suitable for problem areas; good for low maintenance or woodland planting. It will quickly form dense clumps of handsome foliage so is perfect for providing groundcover in sun or partial shade. Also suitable for container growing.

Likes moist, fertile soil but will also tolerate permanently wet soil, cold exposed locations and heavy clay soils. Good for a bog garden or beside a pond. Amazingly, this variety of bistort is also more tolerant of drier soils.

This plant flourishes in my garden which has awful soil and can get flooded in winter and baked hard in summer.

It has a very long flowering period (from June to October) and can flower twice a year here, from spring into summer and again in late summer/autumn, if dead-headed. Can be lifted and divided in spring or autumn.

Extremely easy to grow and an all round “good do-er”.

You might find some of the other names it can be known by quite interesting: Polygonum, Adderwort, Dragonwort, Easter giant, Easter ledger, Easter ledges, Easter magiant, Easter man-giant, Gentle dock, Great bistort, Osterick, Oysterloit, Passion dock, Patience dock, Patient dock, Pink pokers, Pudding grass, Pudding dock, Red legs, Snakeweed, Twice-writhen, Water ledges.


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