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Inula racemosa (magnifica, helenium)


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Inula racemosa (Inula magnifica, Inula helenium)

Common names: Pushkarmool, Indian Elecampane

Number of seeds in packet: 30+

A super, robust, tall perennial.

This tough, reliable, western Himalayan plant is the tallest Inula, growing up to 2.4m (8 feet), and quickly makes decent clumps.

Stout stems should need no staking in good soil in sun. The stems and leaves are hairy.

The lower, pale green leaves can be almost 90cm (3ft) long and up to a foot wide, making a feature on their own before the plant comes into flower.

Small, daisy-like yellow flowers on top of strong stems appear from the end of summer into the middle of autumn. Great for butterflies!

Tolerant of most soils and regularly gets flooded at the bottom of my garden!

Suitable for planting at the back of a border.

Great with spiky-leaved plants and “hot” colours, such as canna lilies, or in a wild meadow or prairie-style garden.

You can also plant it as a specimen behind a pond where both foliage and flowers can be seen, or grow behind much shorter, moisture-loving plants in the centre of a damp border.

Monks cultivated it throughout the Middle Ages and brewed tea from the roots, to soothe their sore throats.

Inula Racemosa is one of the most commonly used holistic treatments in Ayurvedic medicine, India’s traditional form of medicine.

When in flower there is a beehive of activity around the plant, as insects love the flowers.

Another special time is in late summer and autumn, when the tall flower stalks become a natural birdfeeder.

Should NOT need staking, but needs full sun.

Height: over 2.4 metres (8 feet)
Spread: 1.5 – metres
Flowers: July – October


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