Home » Seeds » Clematis tibetana subsp. vernayi ‘Glasnevin Dusk’

Clematis tibetana subsp. vernayi ‘Glasnevin Dusk’


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Minimum 30 seeds

Clematis tibetana subsp. vernayi ‘Glasnevin Dusk’

Small, purple-black (jet-black in bud) flowers, this is a version of the lemon-peel clematis. Carries masses of nodding bell shaped flowers. Light green filaments with yellow anthers. Sepals later spread to give a star-shaped flower. The sepals are downy on the inside and followed by handsome silky seedheads.

Original plant collected as seed in Tibet by the raiser.


Group:                                Tangutica group

Approximate height:         2.0 – 5.0 metres

Flowering period(s):          Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct

Raised by:                          Seamus O’Brien

Country of origin:              Ireland

Date raised:                        2003

Parentage:                          Selection from tibetana subsp. vernayi